Address size fault crash on iPhone 12 (built w/ React Native)

After publishing my app, some users have experienced crashes when launching it. According to them, as soon as they click on the app it crashes and boots them back to the home screen. I have not been able to replicate the issue after testing on several iPhone models (physical and simulators).

The crash reporting on XCode has not been particularly useful, as I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what the issue is. The main cause of the crash is apparently an Address size fault error. I have attached the .crash file for the full log.

I would just like some guidance as to where the issue is stemming from.

The main cause of the crash is apparently an Address size fault error. I have attached the .crash file for the full log.

How did you come to that conclusion?

Looking at your crash report I see the standard stuff in apps like this. Your app has crashed due to an unhandled language exception that’s being thrown by RCTFatal.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

My apologies, I misread the crash report. You're right, the crash seems to be caused by an exception thrown by RCTFatal. Unfortunately, I can't seem to retrieve any logs prior to the occurrence of the fatal error. I haven't been able to identify the cause of the unhandled language exception since I cannot reproduce it. I also only have 1 crash report available to view in XCode.

How can I troubleshoot further? Now that I know the crash is coming from frame 2 in the Last Exception Backtrace (RCTFatal + 668) what are some things that I could look for to help narrow this down?

Thanks for your response.

How can I troubleshoot further?

As an Apple person I don’t have a lot more to offer you here. The answers you seek may lie within the third-party runtime you’re using, but I don’t have any expertise in that. You may have better luck escalating this via its support channel.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

I can see some methods and interfaces starting with RCT*** meaning that you have a react native app.

The exception is thrown at RCTFatal + 668 (RCTAssert.m:146) so I guess it asserts ie checks some of the codes in react native and then throws exception.

You might have an undefined string passed to text component or string in a checkbox etc. This is most probably an exception from your react native code so i'd double check that.

Address size fault crash on iPhone 12 (built w/ React Native)