Combining asymmetric and modifier transitions

I'm trying to use a different version of view modifier when a view is inserted and when its being removed. However combining .asymmetric and .modifier transitions don't quite work as expected.

Here's a test that attempts to print out the combination of states the view transitions between:

struct TransitionPrinting: ViewModifier {
 var isInsertion: Bool
 var isActive: Bool
 func body(content: Content) -> some View {
   .onAppear {
    print("isInsertion", isInsertion, "isActive", isActive)

struct ContentView: View {
 @State var toggled = false
 var body: some View {
  VStack {
   Toggle("Toggle", isOn: $toggled)
   if toggled {
    Text("Hello, world!")
       insertion: .modifier(
        active: TransitionPrinting(isInsertion: true, isActive: true),
        identity: TransitionPrinting(isInsertion: true, isActive: false)
       removal: .modifier(
        active: TransitionPrinting(isInsertion: false, isActive: true),
        identity: TransitionPrinting(isInsertion: false, isActive: false)

When the above is run, I only see the following in the simulator (with 2 of the states missing):

isInsertion true isActive true
isInsertion false isActive false

What's wrong here?