We are seeing a difference in WebAuthn behavior between Safari desktop and mobile in iOS 15.5. If a user logs out of our site but keeps the session alive by having Safari remain open, upon logging in they are unable to re-authenticate using WebAuthn in iOS 15.5
The error we're seeing is: "User gesture is not detected. To use the WebAuthn API, call 'navigator.credentials.create' or 'navigator.credentials.get' within user activated events."
- This works in Safari desktop.
- It worked in Safari iOS prior to iOS 15.5
- Reloading the page in iOS 15.5 allows it to work normally.
Something about the JavaScript environment seems to prevent WebAuthn re-authentication without reloading the page.
Why is the behavior different between desktop, iOS 15.5, and previous versions of iOS? Any insight or suggested work-around would be appreciated. What are we missing?