Having set up Xcode Cloud workflows being run from a tag, I wanted to automate release-notes generation for a release. I came up with the following script:
git log --pretty=format:%s git tag -l --sort=-v:refname "{CI_TAG}*" | head -1
...git tag -l --sort=-v:refname "${CI_TAG}*" | head -2 | awk '{split($0, tags, "\n")} END {print tags[1]}'
> release-notes.txt
Markdown messes it up a bit with a format of this script. Anyways, I ran it in with test values instead of CI_TAG and it does what I need. The script is working and generates an appropriate output to the file.
However, when it's added to ci_post_xcodebuild.sh
or even at Build Phases it always results with an empty release-notes.txt
Why does it happen this way? What's going wrong?