Adding to the original post. No positive progress, just more detail and things I've tried that don't work.
<!-- Does not work, datadetectors still on, overlaying/hiding the .png map links
<div datadetectors="off" x-apple-data-detectors="false" class="NoDDs">
<a datadetectors="off" x-apple-data-detectors="false" style="display: inline">
<img src="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png" datadetectors="off" x-apple-data-detectors="false" class="inline" alt="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png: not found" usemap="#html">
<!-- Does not work, datadetectors still on, overlaying/hiding the .png map links
<img src="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png" datadetectors="off" x-apple-data-detectors="false" class="inline" alt="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png: not found" usemap="#html">
<!-- Does not work, datadetectors still on, overlaying/hiding the .png map links
<h1 datadetectors="off">
<img src="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png" datadetectors="off" x-apple-data-detectors="false" class="inline" alt="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png: not found" usemap="#html">
<!-- Does not work, datadetectors still on, overlaying/hiding the .png map links
<a href="#" datadetectors="off" x-apple-data-detectors="false">
<img src="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png" class="inline" alt="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png: not found" usemap="#html">
<!-- Does not work, datadetectors still on, overlaying/hiding the .png map links
<img src="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png" datadetectors="off" x-apple-data-detectors="false" class="inline" alt="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png: not found" usemap="#html">
<!-- Does not work, datadetectors are on, overlaying/hiding the .png map links.
Definition order - map first, makes no difference. usemap before src also makes no difference.
.gif vs .png makes no difference.
<img src="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png" alt="./GroundContact_W7_Bubbles.png: not found" usemap="#html">
<map name="html">
<area shape="circle" coords="73,250,30" href="./PassiveStrideRecovery_W12_Notes.html" alt="PassiveStrideRecovery_W12" target="_self">
<area shape="circle" coords="174,250,30" href="./QuietFeet_W6_Notes.html" alt="QuietFeet_W6" target="_self">
<area shape="circle" coords="63,350,30" href="./ArmSwing_W4_Notes.html" alt="ArmSwing_W4" target="_self">
<area shape="circle" coords="133,350,30" href="./Breathing_W11_Notes.html" alt="Breathing_W11" target="_self">
<area shape="circle" coords="205,350,30" href="./ForwardTilt_W8_Notes.html" alt="ForwardTilt_W8" target="_self">
<area shape="circle" coords="286,350,30" href="./HeadPosture_W10_Notes.html" alt="HeadPosture_W10" target="_self">
... (more map areas here. One for each circle in the image)
Here's one of the 27 areas in my .png that "Data Detectors" creates, that block some of my own mapped areas. I create a linked map for each circle in the .png, each limited to the associated circle's size:
I don't know what Data Detectors is identifying or why. Whenever I refresh the URL the "x-apple-data-detectors-result" grows, though no additional blocks are identified.
I'm still trying to stop Data Detectors obscuring my created (mapped) links.
Any help appreciated.