In the Scrumdinger iOS tutorial, Step 7 of Updating app data asks you to create a new DailyScrum using the newScrumData by passing the following in:
let newScrum = DailyScrum(data: newScrumData)
However, I receive the following errors because I don't believe the initializer for DailyScrum is set up to accept "data" as an argument:
Extra argument 'data' in call Missing arguments for parameters 'title', 'attendees', 'lengthInMinutes', 'theme' in call
Can someone help me to understand what I'm doing wrong? Shouldn't there be an initializer in DailyScrum to accept "data" as an argument if I were to want to do it this way? I checked the completed project provided by Apple and the error is still there even in that project, so I'm wondering if there's a step missing in the tutorial