Does anyone know how use core Bluetooth?

I am making a chat app and have researched how to send data from one phone to another phone for the messages but it has the Central and peripherals which is one way only.

From what I can find, there is no way for both of them to be able to send data to each other.

If anyone knows how to fix this please help!

If you're making an apple-to-apple chat app, you might want to look at Multipeer Connectivity.

If you want bidirectional communication over BLE you can search for SPP-BLE (Serial Port Profile over BLE). You effectively get a rx and tx channel. Another approach would be that you could have each device connect to each other and they both perform the central and peripheral role just inverted with each other. It all depends on how you want to write your transport protocol.

Accepted Answer

If you're making an apple-to-apple chat app, you might want to look at Multipeer Connectivity.

If you want bidirectional communication over BLE you can search for SPP-BLE (Serial Port Profile over BLE). You effectively get a rx and tx channel. Another approach would be that you could have each device connect to each other and they both perform the central and peripheral role just inverted with each other. It all depends on how you want to write your transport protocol.

Does anyone know how use core Bluetooth?