CloudKit sync works when testing on devices in Xcode but not in production/App Store

I have a SwiftUI app that uses CloudKit and Core data to sync data between devices. Everything works fine when testing on devices in Xcode but not in production in the App Store.

  1. Can someone explain the typical process when deploying an app that uses CoreData + CloudKit?

  2. Is there anything that needs to be done in code or in the CloudKit Console before the app is uploaded to the App Store?

Again, my issue is that data doesn't sync when trying to sync data between multiple devices in production but works fine when testing in Xcode.


Accepted Reply

In the CloudKit Dashboard, did you push your schema changes from Development to Production?


In the CloudKit Dashboard, did you push your schema changes from Development to Production?

A little late but the issue was that I didn't push the schema from development to production as noted by @deeje.