I am trying to log touch coordinates into the CSV file, but I am getting "No exact matches in call to initializer" error

I am trying to log touch coordinates into the CSV file, but I am getting "No exact matches in call to initializer" error. I need to parse the touch coordinates as String. What is going wrong here?

  super.touchesBegan(touches , with: event)
    let touch = touches.first!
    let location = touch.location(in: view) //Returns the current location of the receiver in the coordinate system.
    let mylocation = String(location)                  ***No exact matches in call to initializer 
//    print("touches began \(location)")
    let fileName2 = "testing2.csv" // CSV filename
    let documentDirectoryPath2 = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as String
    let documentURL2 = URL(fileURLWithPath: documentDirectoryPath2).appendingPathComponent(fileName2)
    let output2 = OutputStream.toMemory() // stream data into memory
    let csvWriter2 = CHCSVWriter(outputStream: output2,
                  encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue, delimiter: unichar(",".utf8.first!))
    csvWriter2?.writeField("Timestamp in miliseconds")
    //Array to add data
      var arrOfTimestamp = [[String]]()
  //    var arrOfTimeInMiliSec = [[Int]]()

  //    arrOfTimeInMiliSec.append([time])
      for(elements) in arrOfTimestamp.enumerated() {


      let buffer = (output2.property(forKey: .dataWrittenToMemoryStreamKey) as? Data)!

        try buffer.write(to: documentURL2)
      catch {


Instead of:

let mylocation = String(location)  


let mylocation = String("\(location.x),\(location.y)")  
I am trying to log touch coordinates into the CSV file, but I am getting "No exact matches in call to initializer" error