AVCapture session high CPU usage on macOS 12.4


After an Update to 12.4 my AVCapture session is using between 70-90% CPU That code is just a simple capture session in a Mac Catalyst App with the webcam of the Mac. The session calls an empty func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) and nothing more is happing in the test app I tried. Also no rendering of the stream.

My test code ran with 10-15% CPU usage a week ago, before I made an update today to macOS 12.4 - with rendering into a Metal view maybe 20-25%

To reproduce:

  1. take AVCam project https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/capture_setup/avcam_building_a_camera_app
  2. Set checkbox for Mac Catalyst Support in General
  3. run on Mac

The original sample code from Apple is also running with the same high CPU usage. But even my AVCaptureSession code ran a week ago at about 15% which might even be too much.

I have tested this on a 2019 Intel MacBook pro and also tried it on a macOS 12.4 iMac which did result in the same high CPU usage with all the test apps.

Update to macOS 12.5 Beta 3 did also not help. But I know it ran better with macOS <12.4 and also almost 100% CPU even with 800% overall available is too much for just camera capture

Profiling in Instruments

Insturments is showing me with the heaviest stack trace a lot VN calls with object detection - is this the camera autofocusing? Do I need to put more options for the capture device? I don't call anything from the Vision Framework - is this happening automatically?

It looks like this, feels like a lot of work for just the Mac webcam:

what to do?

Is this a problem with macOS 12.4? Do you have a better running Capture session on 12.4 and what is needed to archive that? Could this be a Catalyst problem? Is this a bug which needs a bug report with Apple? I can't really go back to a previous version, and it would be neat if the code would also work on macOS 12.4 haha

AVCapture session high CPU usage on macOS 12.4