I want to draw a chart where I have two line marks (one for each child each) and behind it area marks for percentiles. If I don't add any foregroundStyle then the line marks get connected.
struct GrowthChart: View
func oneSlice(row: PercentileRow, slice: Slice) -> some ChartContent
x: .value("Day", row.month),
yStart: .value("Max", row.dictionary[slice.startKey]!),
yEnd: .value("Min", row.dictionary[slice.endKey]!)
.foregroundStyle(by: .value("Percentile", slice.number))
let percentileColors: [Color] = [
var body: some View
VStack {
Chart {
ForEach(percentiles.rows) { row in
ForEach(slices) { slice in
oneSlice(row: row, slice: slice)
ForEach(children) { child in
ForEach(child.data) { dataPoint in
x: .value("Month", dataPoint.month),
y: .value("Height", dataPoint.height)
.foregroundStyle(by: .value("Name", child.name))
range: Gradient (colors: percentileColors)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
I don't understand how to group the individual marks. Apparently you have to add a foregroundStyle to each with a .by specifying a category. I found this chartForegroundStyleScale in an example on the internet, but I can only get it to show this gradient. But how do I specify different colors for the LineMarks?