Is it possible to drive NavigationSplitView navigation with a view in sidebar (left column) that is not a List
? All examples that I have seen from this year only contain List in sidebar.
I ask this because I would like to have a more complex layout in sidebar (or first view on iOS) that contains a mix of elements, some of them non-interactive and not targeting navigation. Here’s what I would like to do:
import SwiftUI struct Thing: Identifiable, Hashable { let id: UUID let name: String } struct ContentView: View { let things: [Thing] @State private var selectedThingId: UUID? var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { ScrollView(.vertical) { VStack { ForEach(things) { thing in Button("Thing: \( \( selectedThingId == ? "selected" : "" )") { selectedThingId = } } SomeOtherViewHere() Button("Navigate to something else") { selectedThingId = someSpecificId } } } } detail: { // ZStack is workaround for known SDK bug ZStack { if let selectedThingId { Text("There is a thing ID: \(selectedThingId)") } else { Text("There is no thing.") } } } } }
This actually works as expected on iPadOS and macOS, but not iOS (iPhone). Tapping changes the selection as I see in the button label, but does not push anything to navigation stack, I remain stuck at home screen.
Also filed as FB10332749.