Failed to finalize LSBundleWrapper mutator instance for <bundle-id>

I have a simple ios app written in Swift, that I executed lots of times. Suddenly I started to get: "Failed to finalize LSBundleWrapper mutator instance for ". I deleted the derived data and did "clean folder" but in vain. I run it on "My Mac" but it also happens on simulators. I have M1 mini-mac, macOS Monterey and XCode 13.4.1

Please advise how to solve it

Clean the Build Folder worked for me: Product > Clean Build Folder. I have a M1 MacBookAir, macOS Monterey 12.4 and Xcode 13.4.1

This started to happen with me w/ Xcode 15. Cleaning build folders (or even derived data) does not fix it. Any other idea?

Happens, if you have DerivedData set to a non-standard location. See

And of the three dev Macs I use, the only one where this problem crops up when building an iPad app for Mac is on a machine where my Home Directory is NOT on the Boot drive. And I have had a home directory on an outboard drive for years.

NotaBene from the place that was once, in a brighter age, twitter:

Dr. Michael Lauer @DrMickeyLauerDec 13, 2023 #dev PSA If you’re getting „Failed to finalize LSBundleWrapper mutator instance for <bundle-id>“ for a Mac Catalyst build, chances are you might have relocated DerivedData to a non-standard location. Changing that back to the boot drive „fixes“ it. Regression in Xcode 15.x

Failed to finalize LSBundleWrapper mutator instance for &lt;bundle-id&gt;