Filtering an Array

I'm trying to filter an array containing Recipes that have a property called title of type String that is required.

These are the variables used in the line of code:

@State private var searchingFor = ""
@State private var filteredRecipes = [Recipe]()

This is the line of code giving me the error:


The error: "Value of optional type 'String?' must be unwrapped to refer to member 'contains' of wrapped base type 'String'"

Any ideas on how I need to rewrite that line of code so that I don't get that error? ie. how do I unwrap 'String?'

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When you post a question, please provide complete information (it may appear in another post, but we usually don't know).

How is Recipe defined ? Is title an optional String?

If so, you get the error.

To correct:

filteredRecipes = filteredRecipes.filter{($0.title ?? "").contains(searchingFor)}

Or is searchingFor an optional ? It may be if result or a query for instance.

If so, change to:

filteredRecipes = filteredRecipes.filter{$0.title.contains(searchingFor ?? "")}
  • At the end of the first paragraph it says the title is a string that is not optional.

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When you post a question, please provide complete information (it may appear in another post, but we usually don't know).

How is Recipe defined ? Is title an optional String?

If so, you get the error.

To correct:

filteredRecipes = filteredRecipes.filter{($0.title ?? "").contains(searchingFor)}

Or is searchingFor an optional ? It may be if result or a query for instance.

If so, change to:

filteredRecipes = filteredRecipes.filter{$0.title.contains(searchingFor ?? "")}
  • At the end of the first paragraph it says the title is a string that is not optional.

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it says the title is a string that is not optional

But the compiler disagrees, as the error message basically says the title property is an Optional<String>. Can you show the definition of the Recipe type?

just force unwrap your title since it is required for Recipe it should be safe


but it would be better if you define the property title as not optional instead.