Xcode Server no longer supported?

From the release notes of Xcode 14: "Xcode Server is no longer supported. (73888675)"

I haven't read or heard that being mentioned somewhere else. Does anybody knows, what that means for Xcode Server users?

What is the plan to support corporations, which can not share the code to other companies and thus can not use Xcode Cloud for testing. ...or the ones, that just can't (or do not want to) afford Xcode Cloud?

Are we off to other CI/CD solutions?

I guess it's tied up with the recent general availability of Xcode Cloud?

Please file a Feedback so the team can get your concerns directly.

I note that it is listed as a "known issue" in beta 3. That could mean it inadvertently stopped working with this release. A major intentional change like that would be surprising in a beta version update. You'd imagine it to have happened going from 13->14b1.

I've filed a Feedback several weeks ago, no response so far.

Xcode Server no longer supported?