I have a complex project; it's got 10 targets and 5 languages so far (plus base localization).
I have followed Apple documentation to extract the XLIFF files to pass to translators (Product / Export Localizations).
The export seems to work, but if I inspect the generated xloc files I find no xliff: the "Localized Contents" folder is simply empty.
This applies to all languages. No xliffs at all.
So far I kinda managed by sending localizable.strings sources to translators, but they have been (rightly) complaining because the .strings format doesn't integrate well with their tools.
I believe there is something wrong in my project, something that needs repairing, but I don't know where to start from. By the way, this is a commercial app, already generating revenue, so I am quite cautious when manipulating project settings and all.
Do you have any suggestions?