Sandbox is off but my app cant use certain features

  • Sandbox is set to no in the entitlements file.
  • Settings → security & privacy → privacy → accessibility is enabled for the app.
  • Can detect global mouse events.
  • Can't use accessibility features:
let systemWideElement: AXUIElement = AXUIElementCreateSystemWide()

var focusedElement : AnyObject?
let error = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(
        kAXFocusedUIElementAttribute as CFString,
print(focusedElement)  // this prints `nil`
  • Can't execute applescripts ( NSAppleScript() )
  • Can't send keypress events ( CGEvent().post() )

Also, if i compile the executable with swiftc from terminal and then run from terminal, the app is able to access these features.

Are there other xcode settings I need to change or are they always blocked when building from xcode?

Answered by a-human- in 715446022

it seems deleting everything in the xcode Derived Data folder, and deleting my app from system preferences → security & privacy → privacy → accessibility, and then re-adding has fixed it

(i had two apps with the same name so perhaps that caused it to bug-out)

EDIT: with further testing it seems now occasionally i need to remove the app from system preferences → security & privacy → privacy → accessibility to get it to work

Even setting the pasteboard fails:

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {

    func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {

        let prevClipboard: String = NSPasteboard.general.string(forType: .string) ?? ""
        print("prev: \(prevClipboard)")  // returns "string 1"
        // modify clipboard from "string 1" to "string 2"
        NSPasteboard.general.setString("string 2", forType: .string)
        let newClipboard: String = NSPasteboard.general.string(forType: .string) ?? ""
        print("prev: \(newClipboard)") // returns "string 1" (not "string 2" as it should, thus it shows i am unable to modify the clipboard)
Accepted Answer

it seems deleting everything in the xcode Derived Data folder, and deleting my app from system preferences → security & privacy → privacy → accessibility, and then re-adding has fixed it

(i had two apps with the same name so perhaps that caused it to bug-out)

EDIT: with further testing it seems now occasionally i need to remove the app from system preferences → security & privacy → privacy → accessibility to get it to work

Sandbox is off but my app cant use certain features