After changing the Apple ID password, app specific passwords are not working even after creating new app specific password

Hi, I have changed the Apple ID Password. After that I have created new app specific password as well. But after this I am not able to upload the package. I get the following error when I try the command on Terminal xcrun altool --list-providers -u Apple_ID -p app_specific_password

2022-05-31 14:41:22.660 altool[2828:53360] *** Error: Failed to retrieve providers info.

2022-05-31 14:41:22.660 altool[2828:53360] *** Error: code -1011 (Failed to authenticate for session: (

    "Error Domain=ITunesConnectionAuthenticationErrorDomain Code=-22938 "Sign in with the app-specific password you generated. If you forgot the app-specific password or need to create a new one, go to" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Sign in with the app-specific password you generated. If you forgot the app-specific password or need to create a new one, go to, NSLocalizedDescription=Sign in with the app-specific password you generated. If you forgot the app-specific password or need to create a new one, go to, NSLocalizedFailureReason=App Store operation failed.}"

) Unable to list providers.)

We are blocked because of this and any help is greatly appreciated.

regards Prema Kumar

Hi, Please help.

regards Prema Kumar

To start, altool has been deprecated for the purposes of notarisation. Switch to notarytool; it’s better, stronger, and faster. For the details, see WWDC 2021 Session 10261 Faster and simpler notarization for Mac apps.

As to why your app-specific password is not working, I don’t have any good theories. My only suggestion on that front is that you escalate this officially, starting at Apple > Developer > Contact Us.

Alternatively, you could switch to key-based authentication to see if that helps. Use App Store Connect to generate an API key and then pass that to notarytool as follows:

% xcrun notarytool history --key PATH_TO_KEY --key-id KEY_ID -i ISSUER_UUID


  • PATH_TO_KEY is the path to your API key file, for example, AuthKey_T9GPZ92M7K.p8

  • KEY_ID is the key ID, for example, T9GPZ92M7K

  • c055ca8c-e5a8-4836-b61d-aa5794eeb3f4

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Hi Quinn, We have plans to upgrade to new tool. But not at this point of time. I have raised a request 101713929100.

Regards Prema Kumar

Hi Quinn, Following command also fails

xcrun notarytool store-credentials NOTARY_TOOL_PASS --apple-id Apple_ID --team-id team_ID --password app-specific-password

This process stores your credentials securely in the Keychain. You reference these credentials later using a profile name.

Validating your credentials...

Error: HTTP status code: 401. Invalid credentials. Username or password is incorrect. Use the app-specific password generated at Ensure that all authentication arguments are correct.

regards Prema Kumar

Following command also fails

OK. That confirms that there’s something borked with your app-specific password, and it’s not just with altool. However, my suggestion was that you switch to an API key. What happens if you do that?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

After changing the Apple ID password, app specific passwords are not working even after creating new app specific password