Since we need webrtc's audio processing module functionality, we build an webrtc framework with the symbols of audio processing module all visible.When we use this webrtc framework to archive a package to apple app store, an error is reported:
The app references non-public symbols in Payload/ __ZN3rtc18webrtc_checks_impl8FatalLogEPKciS2_PKNS0_12CheckArgTypeEz With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.11 for id b721c24c-9c42-4742-ba79-8eddb4fd9c5a
This error seems to say that we use a non-public symbol 'webrtc_checks_impl::FatalLog'.We indeed use these symbol, this symbol corresponds to a function in 'checks' library, which is a commonly used function in webrtc inner modules.We nearly can't kick it out from webrtc framework. Besides, I'm curiously why the archive checking process refuse us for this error,why we can't use this function in our framework?Is this a bug in Xcode archiving process?