Compose Mail Extension - User Privacy Permissions

I'm trying to build a simple Mail Extension using Compose session handler for the Mac Catalyst App.

The idea is to open a ComposeViewController on App Icon click from Mail Toolbar ( when the user adds the app extensions for the app from Mail Preference ).

I'm using core data in a shared group and I want to show the list of the email address that the user has added from the app to the ComposeViewController.

But on the extension window in the Mail, it shows :

Permissions for “MyDemoApp”:

• Email Contents
Can read sensitive information from emails including the message subject and recipients. This applies to all outgoing messages.

Since my Compose-Mail-Extension does not read subject/recipients in the Compose window, My app should not ask this permission from users.

Is there any way to omit permissions which my app is not using?

The permissions are based on what capabilities the extension supports. In order add a toolbar item to the composition session the extension must state that is supports the ComposeSession capability. With that capability the extension can also be passed the contents of the outgoing message, which include the subject and recipients. Currently the permissions are based on what capabilities the extension has and what data can be passed to it, regardless of if the extension reads and stores these items or not.

Compose Mail Extension - User Privacy Permissions