I am creating a Safari App Extension for users to save web links and quotes to my app. I would like to cache web page metadata when links are saved by the extension.
I am using a context menu command to capture information with the code below.
override func contextMenuItemSelected(
withCommand command: String,
in page: SFSafariPage,
userInfo: [String : Any]? = nil)
switch command {
case "sendToApp":
Task {
guard let properties = await page.properties(),
let pageURL = properties.url else {
let provider = LPMetadataProvider()
provider.timeout = 0.01
os_log("*** Starting metadata call ***")
let metadata = try? await provider.startFetchingMetadata(for: pageURL)
os_log("*** Continued past metadata call ***")
// ...
I get the log:
*** Starting metadata call ***
LPMetadataProvider<1>: start fetching for URL
...but I am never seeing the log "*** Continued past metadata call ***"
I wonder if the task is being killed for some reason?
I thought maybe async code was an issue in SFSafariExtensionHandler,
but the first await
call in the guard passes successfully.
I thought that the default timeout of 30s on LPMetadataProvider
may be too great, but it still fails with a tiny timeout of 0.01s.
I have added com.apple.security.network.client
to the entitlements of the extension.
Is there something I am missing please?