Detect and stop Airplay on WKWebView that plays a video

What I have tried?

  • UIScreen.screens.count > 1
Ans : Always getting one even though my app is currently Airplay(ing) on my Macbook
  • Setting configuration of WKWebView
mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay = false
allowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback = false
Although the airplay button is not present in the player controls but one can still caste using the control panel airplay button by swipping the screen from above.
  • Tried this method used widely to detect Airplay but it only detects in case of screen mirroring no callbacks for Airplay.
func isAirplayOn() -> Bool {
    let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
    let currentRoute = audioSession.currentRoute
    for outputPort in currentRoute.outputs {
      if outputPort.portType == AVAudioSession.Port.airPlay {
        return true
    return false

So to my vain this also does not work. Let me know how to either detect airplay or disable it on WKWebView's Audio/Video Player. Any help will be highly appreciated.