I am a total newbie. I wanted to install a programm called httrack and got the info that i have to download and install homebrew and xcode.
So I did so. Unfortunately I realized that i could mess up my computer big time and so i tried to uninstall both things again. Whereas it seems that homebrew was uninstalled well. I dont really understand how to uninstall xcode properly. This is what mdfind still shows me after uninstalling xcode (see attached)
I am very scared as i just bought a brand new macbook and i am scared i did something to it that will damage it, can you please help me???
dani@MBP-von-Dani ~ % mdfind -name "xcode"
/System/Library/Automator/Build Xcode Project.action
/System/iOSSupport/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PreviewsInjection.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Xcode Previews.app
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PreviewsInjection.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Xcode Previews.app
dani@MBP-von-Dani ~ % mdfind -name "homebrew"
/Users/dani/Desktop/Büro/Homebrew/UNINSTALL homebrew.pdf
dani@MBP-von-Dani ~ %