CallKit green video dot reappears when app launches

I'm seeing an issue with video calls where the green video dot reappears when the app is launched. But only if the device was locked when a voip call was answered.

In my reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID I initially set .hasVideo to false, then a short time after I use reportCallWithUUID to update the call so .hasVideo is true. When the call ends I use CXEndCallAction which completes without any issues.

This works fine when the device is unlocked. I get my VoIP push via pushkit, callkit shows an incoming call, my video call is running and everything appears to be closed down as expected. Relaunching the app does not show any green video dot.

However when my device is iniitaly locked I get a different behavior. The code path is identical but after a video call the green dot reappears when the app is launched.

When the app is not running there's no green dot on screen nor in the control center. But the green dot appears when I launch my app manually. I sure that I don't start the camera.

What could I be missing?