SceneKit Area Light size

How do you set the size of an area light in sceneKit?

        let areaLightNode = SCNNode()

        areaLightNode.light = SCNLight()

        areaLightNode.light!.type = .area


        areaLightNode.position = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: 5, z: 0)

        areaLightNode.light?.intensity = 1000

Nothing appears when using the above


How do you set the size of an area light in sceneKit?

The default areaType is SCNLightAreaTypeRectangle, and the default areaExtents is (1,1,1). To increase the size of the rectangle, adjust the areaExtents.

Nothing appears when using the above

You haven't shown any code where you add this light into your scene, so maybe that is why you aren't seeing it have any effect?

SceneKit Area Light size