I'd like to properly save inputted user data /variables inside a array which is inside a struct but unable to get it to work.
Currently, I have a few strucs:
struct Household: Codable {
let id = UUID()
var region: String
var householdSize: Int = 1
var receivingBenefits: [String]
var energyCrisis: Bool
var utilityProviders: [String]
var residenceType: String
var propertyTaxPastDue, homeNeedsRepairs, filedPreviousYearTaxReturn, heatingSystemNeedsRepairs: Bool
var atRiskOfHomelessness: Bool
var receivedMaximumBenefit: ReceivedMaximumBenefit
var personDetails: [PersonDetail]
var incomes: [Income]
var assets: [Asset]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case region
case householdSize = "household_size"
case receivingBenefits = "receiving_benefits"
case energyCrisis = "energy_crisis"
case utilityProviders = "utility_providers"
case residenceType = "residence_type"
case propertyTaxPastDue = "property_tax_past_due"
case homeNeedsRepairs = "home_needs_repairs"
case filedPreviousYearTaxReturn = "filed_previous_year_tax_return"
case heatingSystemNeedsRepairs = "heating_system_needs_repairs"
case atRiskOfHomelessness = "at_risk_of_homelessness"
case receivedMaximumBenefit = "received_maximum_benefit"
case personDetails = "person_details"
case incomes, assets
struct PersonDetail: Codable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID() // <-- here
var age: Int = 18
var maritalStatus: String = ""
var minimumEmploymentOverExtendedPeriod: Bool
var workStatus: String = ""
var pregnant: Bool
var attendingSchool: Bool = false
var disabled: Bool
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case age
case maritalStatus = "marital_status"
case minimumEmploymentOverExtendedPeriod = "minimum_employment_over_extended_period"
case workStatus = "work_status"
case pregnant
case attendingSchool = "attending_school"
case disabled
class Base: ObservableObject, Codable {
@Published var household: Household
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case household = "household"
Now, I can easily bind a Textfield, toggle or Picker to anything under the Household
struct for example below which I believe is easily connected via household in the Base() class..
HStack() {
.frame(width: 15, height: 15)
Toggle(isOn: $eligBase.household.homeNeedsRepairs) {
Text("Need Home Repairs?")
.font(.system(size: 15))
However, I'm unable to connect anything in the array`[PersonDetail], which I included the struct.
For example, If I wanted to connected a Toggle for the disabled variable in `PersonDetail', I get an error, here is my disabled toggle:
Toggle(isOn: $eligBase.household.personDetails.disabled) {
.font(.system(size: 15))
I receive an error stating:
Value of type 'Binding<[PersonDetail]>' has no dynamic member 'disabled' using key path from root type '[PersonDetail]'
Any ideas how I can connect Toggles, Textfield, Picker to a variable in an array which is in a struct? Thanks.