reloadContentBlocker not reloading Safari as well

I am using safari content blockers to block & unblock specific elements of a website when a user toggles on/off. I was assuming that when user toggles the blocking off & I remove blockings from blockers.json & then do a reload

class func reloadContentBlocker(withIdentifier identifier: String, 
              completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil)

the user would no longer see the blocks on safari. However, the user still sees unless he/she refreshes the page which doesn't seem the be the best user experience & it'd be annoying to remind user to do so every time. Are there any work arounds to this? Did Apple forgot to add this last step?

if we could've reloaded safari itself using swift it would've done the job but I am not aware of such APIs.

Really appreciate your help.

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