CoreAudio's Hog Mode, kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode, or exclusive mode, is quite woefully under documented. This 5 year old forum post is one of the few references to it I found on Apple's domain. The only current Apple docs that mention it are here, and they say absolutely nothing:
That said, the comments in some SDK header files are helpful. See a snippet of that on StackOverflow here:
You can also find a real implementation of hog mode in MPV's source code here:
And all that said, if you're not sure, you probably don't want to use hog mode. It's poorly represented to the user and there's only a very few niche use cases where it makes sense. Quoting this older post:
As one of the Core Audio engineers wrote answering a similar question "...why do you need hog mode for your app? Hog mode is a really unfriendly thing to assert on the system. As such, it should only be used in circumstances where it is essential like sending non-mixable data (such as AC-3) to the hardware. The vast majority of apps are best off pretending like hog mode doesn't exist.”