So actionSheet is deprecated in favor of confirmationDialog. When trying to migrate I'm noticing that the latter doesn't work when the view is in a child view controller!
I have created a simple project to demonstrate the issue.
I have a SheetView and a DialogView, they display a button to try either API.
In the ViewController, these are loaded into UIHostingController's and added as children into two UIView's. Only SheetView works.
I added a Pop Up button to alternatively load DialogView in a pop up, in this context it is not a child view controller and it works.
Is this simply a SwiftUI bug or do I need to do something else to make it work?
I had the same issue. The problem was with adding the child controller, or rather the lack of it.
The solution was to call addChild(_:) and didMove(toParent:) when adding the UIHostingController.
I updated your example:
let dialogView = DialogView()
let dialogVC = UIHostingController(rootView: dialogView)
bottomView.addPinnedSubview(child: dialogVC.view)
dialogVC.didMove(toParent: self)
Hope this helps!