I have had this same error for a few days and I can't fix it

  1.  ForEach(ModelCategory.allCases, id: .self) { category in

The error message says "Missing argument for parameter #1 in call"

How do I fix this?

Did you try with\:

ForEach(ModelCategory.allCases, id: \.self) { category in

What is ModelCategory in this ForEach ? It should be an instance of the class, not the class itself.

What is ModelCategory in this ForEach ? It should be an instance of the class, not the class itself.

Here's an example of ForEach with an enum:

The enum

enum WordLength : Int, CaseIterable {
    case random = 0
    case five = 5
    case six = 6
    case seven = 7

The ForEach

ForEach(WordLength.allCases,id:\.self) { wordLength in

The enum doesn't have to be Int: I've taken this example from an app that uses the numeric value (Int) in processing, whereas in the ForEach it's for showing Picker options as text (string).

Regards, Michaela

I have had this same error for a few days and I can't fix it