TextEditor Keyboard Avoidance not working

Hi there,

can anyone tell me why the keyboard avoidance for TextEditors is not working, but for TextFields? Is this bug already reported / being worked on? People have been complaining about this since 14.2, and I have yet to see any solution to this that doesn't mean to resort to some wonky libs.

Thanks in advance

Submit a bug report!

I have the same issue.

I made a sample project to test the issue, inside a scrollview I have multiple TextFields and a TextEditor. The scrollview will not scroll once the TextEditor is focused.

struct ContentView: View {

    var body: some View {

        VStack {

            ScrollView {

                VStack(spacing: 30) {

                    Button("Hide") {

                        UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)


                    .padding(.top, 150)

                    TextField("", text: .constant("Text1"))

                    TextField("", text: .constant("Text2"))

                    TextField("", text: .constant("Text3"))

                    TextField("", text: .constant("Text4"))

                    TextField("", text: .constant("Text5"))

                    TextField("", text: .constant("Text6"))

                    TextField("", text: .constant("Text7"))

                    TextField("", text: .constant("Text8"))

                    TextEditor(text: .constant("TextEditor1"))





TextEditor Keyboard Avoidance not working