A vendor recently updated their SDK and I'm trying to update my project to use the new dylib. I'm not able to use the dylib out of the box due to linking problems, so fired up install_name_tool to update the id to properly work in my situation (similar thing worked with their prior release.)
However, with this build I'm getting the error:
% install_name_tool -id @rpath/libblahblahblah.dylib libblahblahblah.dylib
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/install_name_tool: fatal error: file not in an order that can be processed (link edit information does not fill the __LINKEDIT segment): libblahblahblah.dylib (for architecture x86_64)
Google isn't returning much beyond explanations of the macho file layout. Is there a simple way to alter the dylib locally to address this? Is there something I can suggest the vendor does upstream?
Thanks, mike