Xcode 13.3 beta and mirrored SPM warnings

For regulatory reasons we need to have an internal mirror of any open source packages we use, including down stream dependencies. This is to ensure hat at anytime we can review code or rebuild past version of our applications at a specific time point.

Prior to the current Xcode 13.3 beta's we were able to ensure that our builds were using the mirrored repositories in preference to the origin repos without any issues by including the packages in the project itself.

With Xcode 13.3 however we're receiving warnings that imply we won't be able to continue using mirrored repositories in this way.

'filecheck' dependency on 'https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser' conflicts with dependency on 'git@git.ourhost.com:third-party/apple/swift-argument-parser.git' which has the same identity 'swift-argument-parser'. this will be escalated to an error in future versions of SwiftPM.

Has anyone else encountered this of have a solution?

Did you ever solve this? I'm having the same issue.

Xcode 13.3 beta and mirrored SPM warnings