SwiftUI MacOS Return/Enter Key in TextField

So I am a little frustrated because this has to be simple and I am just missing it.

I have a sheet. a couple of TextFields, a couple of buttons. Mouse click, everything works fine. Setting a defaultAction to the button I would like associated with a Return key does not work because the Return is captured by the TextField that has focus.

TextField("Name: ", text: $name)
TextField("Description:", text: $description)
Button("Cancel") { self.isVisible.Toggle() }
Button("Ok") { self.submit() }

Manually clicking the Ok button works as expected. Pressing the Enter key never works.

So... What am I missing?

use the submit modifier on the the ok button

TextField("Name: ", text: $name)
TextField("Description:", text: $description)
Button("Cancel") { self.isVisible.Toggle() }
Button("Ok") { doSomeThing() }
 .onSubmit { doSomething() }
SwiftUI MacOS Return/Enter Key in TextField