How can I test REFUND notifications in sandbox environment?


I'm not aware of a means to trigger a REFUND notification in he sandbox. I suggest that you use the Apple Developer Feedback Assistant web page to submit a request that there be a means to simulate a REFUND event in the sandbox.

rich kubota developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI

Hi @rich,

If you can't do this in the Sandbox, how exactly do you test it then? Via Xcode based, local StoreKit testing perhaps?

I also presume that the correct way of being notified of any actual customer refunds (which are presumably pretty rare) is via a call being made to SKPaymentTransactionObserver.didRevokeEntitlementsForProductIdentifiers, right? I mean, that's what I've been able to garner to date from researching online about these.

Cheers, Ben

When I responded, I was thinking only of StoreKit 1 API's. Actually, one can implement a StoreKit2 app which makes use of the beginRefundRequest(in:) call. In the sandbox, this will trigger a REFUND notification.

rich kubota developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI