Mac Catalyst Horizontal Size Class for .sheet

Mac Catalyst treats a SwiiftUI .sheet View as compact, even though there is as much horizontal space in the view as on a physical iPad. The outcome of this is that, with an iPhone, iPad, Catalyst app, abbreviated HStacks that I use for the iPhone version also appear on the Catalyst version, unless I use #if targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)

A few months back a Stack Overflow user complained that a Catalyst popover (UIKit) was reporting as .regular and should be .compact. Apple agreed it was a bug. However, in my case (SwiftUI sheet), it doesn't make sense to regard a Catalyst SwiftUI sheet as compact when there is as much space available as on a physical iPad.

Regards to all, Michaela


This is still an issue. If I run my app as "built for iPad" I get a large sheet. If do so under Mac Catalyst I get the compact one. Really annoying