How implement the custom buttons of the AVplayer? from a struct

Im using more easily to create a pick up and play a video, and that part works, and to show the video I use this line:

PhotoPickerResultView(result: photoPickerService.results[0])

and this part work fine to, arrives from this:

struct PhotoPickerResultView: View {
  var result: PHPickerResult
  enum MediaType {
    case loading, error, video
  @State private var loaded = false
  @State private var url: URL?
  @State private var mediaType: MediaType = .loading
  @State private var latestErrorDescription = ""
  var body: some View {
    Group {
      switch mediaType {
      case .loading:
      case .error:
        VStack {
          Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill")
      case .video:
        if url != nil {
          VideoPlayer(player: AVPlayer(url: url!))



My question is, How can I use or implement the custom buttons of the AVPlayer? like:

@State private var player1 = AVPlayer(url: URL(string: "https...mp4")!)

         VideoPlayer(player: player1)
        Button {

        } label: {
          Text(" PLAY ")

        Button {
        } label: {
          Text(" PAUSE ")

from this line:

PhotoPickerResultView(result: photoPickerService.results[0])


or what do I have to change to use more easily that custom buttons of the AVPlayer??


List of errata:

Im using PHPickerViewController and AVPlayer to create a pick up and play a video, and that part works, and to show the video I use this line:

PhotoPickerResultView(result: photoPickerService.results[0])

and this part work fine to, arrives from this:

How implement the custom buttons of the AVplayer? from a struct