I have an electron app that is signed and notarized. If I zip the app and send it to myself (AirDrop, Dropbox, etc.) it is quarantined (as expected) and it is unable to read files/directories outside of itself.
The app has an external config folder that it must read:
Parent_Folder (Unzipped)
|- myApp.app
When I launch the app, I don't receive a prompt to allow access to the downloads folder, and as a result, it can't read the CONFIG folder.
However, I can fix it in one of two ways:
- Move the .app file (anywhere) and then move it back.
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine myApp.app
After I complete either one of these steps, I can launch the app and then I receive the prompt to allow access. After that, smooth sailing.
What am I missing? I expected that once the user clicks "Open anyway" when presented with the quarantine prompt that it would work.
I have no problems launching the app, but it doesn't have the required permissions until I complete step 1 or 2.
Edit: Even if the permission is already granted (from a previous attempt) it doesn't work until I complete step 1 or 2.