SKAdNetwork: Error while updating conversion value


I make use of the new iOS 15.4 SKAdNetwork.updatePostbackConversionValue feature:

SKAdNetwork.updatePostbackConversionValue(0) { error in
                if let error = error {

I am not sure why, but I always see this error message in the console:

SKAdNetwork: Error while updating conversion value: Error Domain=SKANErrorDomain Code=10 "(null)"

The operation couldn’t be completed. (SKANErrorDomain error 10.)

Any idea what’s going on there? What does Error Code 10 mean? Couldn't find anything in the documentation about that so far.

I have the NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint key with domain ( in my .plist.

From SKANError.Code.unknown: An unknown error occurred. case unknown = 10

If this error appears, continue processing the ad; an ad impression may succeed despite this error.

I am also seeing that error when calling updatePostbackConversionValue. Is this related to the app not being installed from the app store but directly from XCode/an .ipa file? Will it go away once the app is released and installed from the app store instead? The documentation is not really helping as there isn't any ad impression going on at all...

same error + 1

Same error + 1

Same error (SKAN 4.0)

SKAdNetwork: Error while updating conversion value