maximumContentSizeCategory vs. UITableView

The new UIView properties maximumContentSizeCategory and minimumContentSizeCategory sound really useful. But I’m finding the following odd behaviors and am not sure whether these are bugs or features:

  • Setting these properties on a scene's root UIWindow has no effect. The WWDC video says it applies “to view hierarchies” but it seems you actually need to set these directly on each view controller’s root view individually. Maybe that’s by design to prevent “abuse” without requiring a bit of extra work.

  • If you set them on a UITableView the result is inconsistent. It affects cell content correctly, but section headers and footers don’t respect the setting, giving a weird result where the headers and footers can be larger than the cells. I would expect it to affect the table’s entire view hierarchy (cells, headers, and footers) in order to give a coherent appearance.

I’m seeing these behaviors on all iOS 15 releases including the current 15.4 beta 2.