I used array to print image. but I also want to print text with the images using array how can I use it ,like I want to use same tray but want to print different text with their images using the same array like 2D array.

import SwiftUI

struct menjeans: View {

    var menje:[UIImage] =




    let layout=[GridItem(.flexible()),GridItem(.flexible())]

    var body: some View






            LazyVGrid(columns: layout,spacing: 2)


                ForEach(menje, id: .self)


                    imager in

                        maincustom(content: Image(uiImage:imager), text: "df")








struct menjeans_Previews: PreviewProvider {

    static var previews: some View {




I used array to print image. but I also want to print text with the images using array how can I use it ,like I want to use same tray but want to print different text with their images using the same array like 2D array.