Manual signing app - ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement


Maybe someone here can help me ...

I have an app (ios xcode swift) that I need to distribute unsigned.

So far so good (in the xcode project target settings I have inserted the field: 'CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED setting for release' NO '. In this way using' Archive 'I get the package in xcarchive format.

Just a problem, the app has some 'entitlement' settings like push notifications, background use of bluetooth .. .etc.

When my client tries to distribute the app with 'Organizer', he signs it with his certificate and provisioning file, and then downloads to the app store.

but I always get the error 'ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement'

Has anyone of you already distributed an app with the 'manual' signature as I do in practice?


NB: notifications are enabled both at the 'developer' app level (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles) certificates have been generated and loaded in usual place. in xcode on target I added push in capatibles. entitlements for app are present ...