A big problem with Xcode13.3 and swiftui

After I updated xcode to 13.3 version, almost all mt spm project warns.

SourcePackages/checkouts/SwiftUI-MediaPicker/SwiftUI.UIViewControllerRepresentable:7:24: Static method '_makeView(view:inputs:)' isolated to global actor 'MainActor' can not satisfy corresponding requirement from protocol 'View'

It's pretty bad, because I don' wanna any warnings.

Answered by Dirk-FU in 703668022

Could be a „Known Issue“: In Xcode's 13.3 release notes it says:

The Swift compiler may produce spurious Sendable warnings about classes that inherit from a @MainActor class. (85223889)

Same, no idea what happened, and my status bar hidden is also broken(SwiftUI)

Same here. The warning doesn't point to code, it just exists.

Accepted Answer

Could be a „Known Issue“: In Xcode's 13.3 release notes it says:

The Swift compiler may produce spurious Sendable warnings about classes that inherit from a @MainActor class. (85223889)

A big problem with Xcode13.3 and swiftui