iOS 15.2.1

Hello everyone!
I have updated my iPhone to iOS 15.2.1 and before this update my phone after the good the sleep mode turns off, it appears a screen with written on it “Good Morning” and the weather. But since I have updated my device to iOS 15.2.1 it isn’t showing me this screen. Is it a feature that Apple has deleted or is this a bug?

Thank you.

before this update my phone after the good the sleep mode turns off, 

Hard to understand the exact sequence.

When and how is the screen with written on it “Good Morning” and the weather loaded ? During the sleep mode transition ?

What was the previous iOS before 15.2.1 ?Just an association of ideas: if previous was 14.x, could it have to do with prewarming ?

I was using 15.2 iOS version, and when I woke up it shows me this:

@Claude31 can you reply me, please?

iOS 15.2.1