I'm working on an App that still supports iOS 13 and need to fetch some data with CoreData.
This is how I would normally do it
let results = try context.fetch(request)
Now with Xcode 13.2 and async/await being available back to iOS 13 I get a compiler error
'perform(schedule:_:)' is only available in iOS 15.0 or newer
Jumping to definition shows the following new API in CoreData
@available(macOS 12.0, iOS 15.0, tvOS 15.0, watchOS 8.0, *)
extension NSManagedObjectContext {
public func performAndWait<T>(_ block: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T
public func perform<T>(schedule: NSManagedObjectContext.ScheduledTaskType = .immediate, _ block: @escaping () throws -> T) async rethrows -> T
When commenting out the code in the Block, it instead jumps to the old API in CoreData/NSManagedObjectContext
/* asynchronously performs the block on the context's queue. Encapsulates an autorelease pool and a call to processPendingChanges */
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
open func perform(_ block: @escaping () -> Void)
Why does the compiler select the new variant of perform
and how can I force it to use the older non-async version?