Hey everyone! So I've been creating a program to extract the UID (unique identifier) from an NFC Tag and have been stuck on this very last problem: On the third line I created a variable which I want to be able to change called tagUID, initially just "UID". If you look down to the very last line of code, you see that (if there is a connection to the tag) the last thing it's supposed to do is change the state of tagUID to whatever the UID of the tag is, but it's refusing to do so. Everything else works great its only not changing that variable!
class NFCReader: NSObject, ObservableObject, NFCTagReaderSessionDelegate {
@State var tagUID = "UID"
var session: NFCTagReaderSession?
func activate() {
self.session = NFCTagReaderSession(pollingOption: .iso14443, delegate: self)
self.session?.alertMessage = "Hold Your Phone Near the NFC Tag"
func tagReaderSessionDidBecomeActive(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession) {
print("Session Begun!")
func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didInvalidateWithError error: Error) {
print("Error with Launching Session")
func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didDetect tags: [NFCTag]) {
print("Connecting To Tag")
if tags.count > 1{
session.alertMessage = "More Than One Tag Detected, Please try again"
let tag = tags.first!
session.connect(to: tag) { [self] (error) in
if nil != error{
session.invalidate(errorMessage: "Connection Failed")
if case let .miFare(sTag) = tag{
let UID = sTag.identifier.map{ String(format: "%.2hhx", $0)}.joined()
print("UID:", UID)
session.alertMessage = "UID Captured"
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.tagUID = "\(UID)"
tagUID = "\(UID)"