Xcode Cloud taking an extraordinary amount of time to run my unit tests

I have a project with over 600 tests. While that sounds like a lot, I can see the metrics about how long it takes to run those tests. (it's about 14 seconds).

But when I create a job in Xcode Cloud to run these unit tests, I get very sub-optimal results. On a job that's never run (so no cached data) it took about 1hr 15 minutes.

test-without-building takes an extraordinary amount of time. (1396 seconds).

And if it's brand new build (no cached data) it also runs a command named build-for-testing, and that takes even longer (2626 seconds).

Is there any documentation suggesting why these operations would take so long to complete? It doesn't take anywhere near this long on my own machine.

I have also been seeing this same issue, and we've frequently seen our tests time out. Even on a really bad day/machine, our tests take less than 10 minutes to build and run, but they're almost always timing out on Xcode Cloud (over 2 hours). Very confusing.

Xcode Cloud taking an extraordinary amount of time to run my unit tests