AVVideoComposition startRequest early return without calling finishWithComposedVideoFrame

@AVFoundationEngineers I browsed through AVCustomEdit sample code and notice the following:

- (void)startVideoCompositionRequest:(AVAsynchronousVideoCompositionRequest *)request

	@autoreleasepool {
		dispatch_async(_renderingQueue,^() {
             // Check if all pending requests have been cancelled
			if (_shouldCancelAllRequests) {
				[request finishCancelledRequest];
			} else {
				NSError *err = nil;
				// Get the next rendererd pixel buffer
				CVPixelBufferRef resultPixels = [self newRenderedPixelBufferForRequest:request error:&err];

				if (resultPixels) {
					// The resulting pixelbuffer from OpenGL renderer is passed along to the request
					[request finishWithComposedVideoFrame:resultPixels];
				} else {
					[request finishWithError:err];


The startVideoComposition request returns early without calling finishWithComposedVideoFrame as the processing takes place asynchronously in a dispatchQueue. However, the documentation of startVideoCompositionRequest states the following:

	Note that if the custom compositor's implementation of -startVideoCompositionRequest: returns without finishing the composition immediately, it may be invoked again with another composition request before the prior request is finished; therefore in such cases the custom compositor should be prepared to manage multiple composition requests.

But I don't see anything in the code that is prepared to handle multiple composition requests of same video frame. How is one supposed to handle this case?

AVVideoComposition startRequest early return without calling finishWithComposedVideoFrame