TimelineView for Storyboards on Apple Watch?

I've developed workout app for watchOS 8 using Swift and Storyboards.

Now, I need ability to update labels every second but in both modes: active and inactive.

According to documentation "TimelineView" should help me but it's for SwiftUI only: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/timelineview

So, are there any options for Storyboards?


As you noted, TimelineView is a SwiftUI-only API. Your app's UI must be written in SwiftUI in order to be updated using TimelineView.

  • Thank you for reply. Is there workaround how to get label's updates for my view in active and inactive modes for Storyboards without moving to SwiftUI?

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Thank you for reply. Is there workaround how to get label's updates for my view in active and inactive modes for Storyboards without moving to SwiftUI?