Idea for next iOS

Hi, you guys should develop an additional feature for older people which allows to select only really needed apps. Older people have no idea how to configure an iPhone or iPad but would like to use them. Also make the icons bigger…. Focus on Communication items like phone, Face time, camera, etc.

in a Generation with more older people this would provide you competitive advantage…. just a thought… thx Michael

A lot of what you ask for is already possible.

When you get the phone, ask vendor or a friend to help you configure initial screen,

select only really needed apps.

create groups of apps, reorder apps to put essential apps on initial screen.


Focus on Communication items like phone, Face time, camera

put those apps on the first screen or even some in the dock.


Also make the icons bigger

To make icons larger: h t t p s : / / w w h t t p s : / / w w

Great idea, but I don’t think that it changes to much, already iPhone or other Apple products are very simple to use (brilliant colors, icons, animations, accessibility features and more). I see many old people transferring to iPhone because of its simplicity… And all the features you said are already possible, so we don’t have to make easier a thing that is already easy, doing so it will become more complex for us and also for the user

Idea for next iOS